In the fight against climate change, the use of renewable energy has special significance. Renewable energies are acquired from inexhaustible natural sources and generates clean electricity without causing climate change. With the growing threat of climate change due to the excessive release of carbon emissions, many countries are looking for a clean energy substitute to replace traditional fossil fuels.
Solar energy is essential for a cleaner future. Every day, the sun produces significantly more energy than we required to power everything on earth. That’s why we are investing heavily in solar energy.

Solar power may be used particularly in 3 methods one is direct conversion of daylight into electricity via PV cells, the others being concentrating solar thermal (CST) and for heating and cooling solar thermal creditors (SHC) are used. India is blessed with plenty of sunlight throughout the year, that’s able to generate 5,000 trillion kilowatts of solar power. India is a country which have almost three hundred sunny days in a year which almost generating power of 4-7kWh per Sq.m per day. If this power is utilised efficiently, it could easily reduce the energy shortage in the whole country and that’s too without causing carbon emissions.
Government of India have always played a crucial role in supporting renewable energy, They took a huge step by forming a complete ministry named Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) to make India carbon free and also to take essential steps in the field of renewable energy. And also in order to promote solar energy in India, GOI pays subsidy for these systems so that people can focus towards cleaner and a better India.
Our company ARS Glasstech is the realization of the dreams of the founder who felt passionate about working in the area of renewable energy specially solar energy. We’ve always been a future-focused firm, and as a solar company, we’ve always made investments to make India’s future cleaner and greener. We are honoured to be India’s only manufacturer of solar grade mirrors.
We also recently launched AGNI-69, a new technology by ARS, that generates steam/hot water at the desired temperatures. It allows us to develop a complete solar steam cooking system with great efficiency and guarantee excellent savings and outcomes.
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